Commission for Financial Capability

Design of workplace behaviour change programmes to improve the financial capability of all New Zealanders, both in workplace and community settings nationwide.

Design of workplace behaviour change programmes to improve the financial capability of all New Zealanders, both in workplace and community settings nationwide.

Involved the design of 3 separate programmes aligned with segmentation of the NZ population that encompassed different levels of financial capability and behaviours.

Programmes also needed to be able to be scalable with the ability to customise length and delivery approach to work for all organisations. They also integrated online tools and a highly engaging and interactive approach.

Design involved addressing behavioural, attitudinal and emotional outcomes that embed behaviours over the long term. It includes drawing on behavioural economics, other selected theories of human behaviour along with theories of changes and learning.

External evaluation showed strong evidence to indicate that participants who completed the programme have made changes to their financial behaviours in all the overarching goals of the programme.